Karaama-Voice is a knowledge-based platform based in Oslo, Norway

 Dialogue conference on identity and belonging and the role of religion in a multicultural society like Norway!

This year’s conference is about how to fight censorship without retaliation. We have learned that it is difficult to bring up our problems without retaliation. We arrange several different dialogue stories where we try to create awareness about reprisals and its consequences.
A dialogue gathering dealt with equality and women’s empowerment. The second dialogue session shed light on an update of what Norwegian-Somali integration is like and the last session dealt with the role of religion for identity formation and belonging in a multicultural society like Norway.
We invited religious leaders from some of the largest religious communities in Norway, from churches, mosques, Jews, Buddhists and Shia Muslims together with Oslo politicians.

Articles written about the conference

Noen mangler motivasjon for å søke lønnet arbeid, skrevet av Katrina Svarca  i Utrop-21.10.2021 – https://www.utrop.no/nyheter/nytt/279845/