Karaama-Voice is a knowledge-based platform based in Oslo, Norway


We are a knowledge-based dialogue forum that organizes dialogue gatherings on integration, equality, human rights and development policy from a transnational and diaspora perspective. We invite prominent speakers from the around the world who can handle our open-minded and solution-oriented approach with global glasses.
Karaama-Voice is social entrepreneurship within integration and, in addition, we are a consultation body that answers questions within diversity, the effects of climate change, food security and the use of aid.

Vision – Achieving greatness for solidarity and unity is Karaama-Voices ambition.

Program –
We offer lectures and tailor-made programs with varied themes for different target groups and services. We have skilled and certified lecturers with experience in motivation, women’s empowerment such as the WCDI programme, parenting and education programs such as ICDP, family counseling and conflict mediation programs with a focus on forgiveness and reconciliation.

Since 2015, we have organized dialogue gatherings where we invited a wide range of professionals – such as former ministers, politicians, researchers, professors and activists from Norway, Somalia and the diaspora community. In addition, we have also managed to arrange several small seminars under the auspices of our network or in collaboration with other partners.
We have been the founders of Somali-Forum – a forum for aid issues. Forum that meets committed Norwegian Somalis and Norwegian NGOs who work or are interested in aid and development policy. We meet and exchange our experiences and recommendations in this field, and act from there.
In the 2017 drought, we made a historic effort, not only that we organized a nationwide fundraising campaign and collected over a million in four hours. But we from the Somali Forum and Save the Children also initiated a press release about the famine in Somalia in collaboration with other Norwegian NGOs such as ADRA, the Norwegian Refugee Council, the Church’s emergency aid, Norwegian People’s Aid and the Development Fund.
The press release was well received in the Somali diaspora, Norwegian Somalis were praised for the initiative and were covered in the largest Somali diaspora media such as Voice and America and BBC Somali and the founder Ubah Aden was interviewed. Attaching the links here.
The point is that together are we strength.
Our Norwegian NGOs that work directly in these famine-stricken areas and we Somali Norwegian who know the crisis up close have different resources and expertise for crisis management. And handling this crisis showed us the importance of unity and this was precisely the intention of this aid forum.
Interview on VOA – Doorka Soomaalida Norway ee Gurmadka Abaaraha Soomaaliya (voasomali.com)
Press releases from 2017 – Frykter ny sultkatastrofe – ADRA Norge

Joint Council for Africa – Storstilt norsk-somalisk innsamlingsaksjon – Fellesrådet for Afrika


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